The Adventures of Bubba Bear tells the story of a playful bear who is always learning and exploring. Through this book, Bubba learns about his five senses as he watches his Mama Bear make breakfast. By tasting, seeing, touching, hearing, and smelling, Bubba begins to understand what senses are and how they work.
Through the use of repetitive and inventive words, children learn to be expressive. "Yummy-o" is an expression that can be read in a fun fashion, and parents are encouraged to use the repetitive words throughout the days following to help children remember the fun sounds and to encourage them to invent some of their own.
The "Good Morning Song" is mentioned in the book and can be downloaded for free below.
Included in the book is a parents' guide, which gives parents concepts which extend their children's learning and fun activities to help enhance the overall learning process.
"The Adventures of Bubba Bear," has now been published and is available! Join Bubba as he learns and grows through everyday experiences!
You can purchase the book at,, Google Play and select Barnes and Noble stores.
To purchase from, click here.
To purchase from, click here.
To purchase from the Google Play Store, click here.
You may purchase the hardbound books and the digital versions at these sites as well!
I recently had the pleasure of being interviewed by Benji Cole on the CBS Radio program "People of Distinction." This interview highlights the different parts of the book and my background.
Bubba Bear was born when my husband and I had two small boys of our own, When our oldest son was two and our youngest was on the way, we needed to move our oldest son to a big boy bed.
We set-up a routine of reading books, singing songs, prayer time and then telling stories. I made-up a character named Baby Bubba who was a bear our son's age.
Baby Bubba was a hit with him and he looked forward to them every night. Over time, I added new characters to the story and when it was my husband's time to do the nightly routine, our son would ask him about the new character I had added. My husband had to ask our son questions about the newcomer so that he could then add to them to the story.
A challenge was born between my husband and myself. We had to quiz our son about each new character the other parent had added so that we could continue the stories.
The Bubba stories were a favorite part of the day for our sons and added fun challenges for my husband and me.
Bubba stories were sometimes about values, morals and skills little bears need to learn. Other times, they included make-believe characters such as fairies or towns of little people who lived under the bed. Regardless of the content, they were always a fun way to end the day for children and parents alike!
Parents, grandparents or teachers with young children...
Show Bubba's pictures to your young kids and get them to make guesses about what Bubba is doing and why.
They can reply to him on the button below.
Answers will be given in a few days, so check back soon! Bubba will reply to each child's answer.
Bubba got dressed this morning and then walked outside. When I found him, he was sitting on the curb waiting for something.
Take a look at the picture and see if you can decide what he was waiting on. Hmm...could he be waiting on a person? If so, who? Is he waiting on something to happen? What? Do you have anything similar to anything in the picture?
I would love to read your answers! Reply to this email and give me your guesses.I'll give you the answers in a few days!I can't wait to hear from you!
Last week, I posted this picture of Bubba sitting outside and I asked you what he could possibly be doing.
Well, some of you were correct! He was waiting for the postman to deliver his mail! Do you have a mailbox similar to this, or is yours in a big metal box somewhere in your neighborhood?
Does your mail person deliver your mail on your front porch? Do you have a mailman or a mailwoman?
Do you like to get mail?
If you like to get mail addressed to you, email me and the first 3 kids to answer will get a special letter in the mail from Bubba!
Have a Bubbalicious day!
Well...Bubba is experiencing all new kinds of adventures. Now what is he doing in that cart? Where could he be? Why is he sitting in a cart and not walking around? Do you ever ride in one of these? Did you ride in one when you were younger?
Ask your parent politely if you can answer these questions by emailing Bubba. If you email Bubba, he will be delighted to write back to you either at an email address or by US Mail.
He's anxious to hear from you!
Well, Bubba was seen doing this last week and some of you gave great answers! He was at a grocery store stocking-up on fish and honey! Check back soon to see where he goes and what he does next.
Have a Bubbalicious day!
Hello friends! You're going to have to use your brain to guess where Bubba is and what is happening around him in this picture! Please send me your guess by emailing Bubba your answer and let me know what you think is happening!
As always, have a Bubbalicious day!
If you saw this picture several days ago and guessed that Bubba was in a car wash, you were correct! He enjoyed seeing the bubbles splashed across the windshield and the big blue scrubber rolling across it as well! Have you been inside a car wash? Were you afraid you would get all wet and soapy?
Let me know by emailing Bubba.
Bubba will write you back!
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